Category: Web Maintenance

End of Year Site housecleaning

December 28th, 2010 — 4:48pm
It’s the end of the year, and here are a few things you should do with your website.
  • Make a backup copy – ftp your files AND databases, or use cpanel to create a backup and save it.  Sure your hosting provider is making daily backups….sure they are.
  • Review your statistics for the year looking for trends, search keywords, etc.
  • Clean out any old files / data – be careful on this one.  Any files you know are old, move them to a “2010_old” folder, and remove the folder after a few months.
  • Update copyrights.
  • Passwords – when did you last change them?

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Watch those invasive robots

December 21st, 2010 — 2:51pm

I recently had a client who noticed some strange activity on their website.  It turns out google robots were hitting URL’s that were sent out in newsletter emails.  The URL’s were not published anywhere else.  Further research uncovered others complaining about similar activity.  So the bottom line is that google (and potentially other search engines) are looking for new pages to crawl by scanning emails, or recording your browsing history.  This means that if you are testing a new area of your website, you should lock it down to prevent the search engines from finding it.

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